Inerrancy of Scripture

Why is it so important for God’s word to be inerrant?

If the bible has mistakes, everything about Christianity comes into question. If the bible is able to be wrong, then everything we know about God and what it means to be saved comes from people and their opinions, which are prone to error.

Remember, the bible makes claims to…

…so if we find fault in it, it undermines it’s entire message.

What does ‘inerrant’ mean?

Inerrant plainly means that something is ‘incapable of being wrong’.

Why is the bible ‘inerrant’, instead of just ‘without error’?

The key difference, but the one that makes a world of difference, is capability. God is not just a deity that has been perfect so far, but He is a deity that will always be perfect. God isn’t just free from errors and mistakes in that He hasn’t made one yet, He is absolutely unable in any capacity to make a mistake or error at any point in time.

This is important, because if we believe that God is the author of the bible in it’s entirety, and that God is incapable of making mistakes, we must also believe that the bible He gave us is free from mistakes as well.

Do you really mean that the bible has zero mistakes at all?


What about the passages that contradict each other?

While there can be passages that appear to contradict each other, under careful study it becomes apparent that they are not actual contradictions.

Some common sources of apparent contradictions are:

What about…

The short answer, is that there are zero errors in these areas as well. The long answer is…well, it’s really long. This is where it’s good to dive into apologetics and how they’ve addressed these issues and more.

Two solid, yet approachable books that will address these types of questions and more are:

Memory Verses

Important Considerations